
March 04, 2007

I guess Sierra isn’t going to publish my pro-nuke column

Last summer, after Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope railed against relying on nuclear power to reduce global warming concerns, in a summer issue of Sierra magazine, I wrote a strong, rationally and conservatively pro-nuclear letter to the editor, including mentioning the co-founders of Greenpeace saying nuclear had to be part of the equation.

The mag’s staff said was really too long for a letter, but talked about it as a guest column. Still hasn’t happened.

And, I’m said that Sierra isn’t looking at both sides of the issue more.

1 comment:

  1. I recall the Pope article.

    In your letter you may have used Stewart Brand, founder of The Whole Earth Catalog as another prominent enviornmentalist calling for a second look at nuclear. (See his MIT Techology Today article "Environmental Heresies".
    FYI: Mr. Brand has also been kind enough to endorse my thriller novel of nuclear power, which is based on my twenty years in the US nuclear industry and is designed to provide a good overview of the topic for a lay person. I cover the good and the bad. " Rad Decision" is available free online at and also in paperback via online retailers.

    My biggest concern isn't what electric energy source(s) we choose, but that we're making sound decisions based on practicality. I'd like to see a lot more conservation as a start, and windmills are also nice for squirts of kilowatts here and there. Bulk production is a different matter.

    "I'd like to see Rad Decision widely read." - Stewart Brand


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