
February 15, 2007

Why John Amaechi’s “coming out” IS important

Even if there is an element of “sensationalism,” or at least of book marketing, behind it, that doesn’t diminish its importance.

He’s the first former NBA player to disclose that he’s gay, first of all.

Second, within the small ring of former male professional athletes who have announced they are gay, he’s the first black athlete I can recall, even if being British keeps him from being “African-American.”

Third, aside from the blocking and tackling of the NFL, the small court, the type of uniforms, the small team size, etc., all make NBA athletes, in many ways, the most intimately connected team players, in my opinion.

Fourth, and to get down to brass tacks, speaking of African-Americans: The NBA has the largest percentage of such athletes of any American professional sports.

To generalize, but not to stereotype, blacks, especially black men, seem to have the biggest problems/issues/hang-ups with homosexuality of any ethnic group. Witness the problems with gay sex on the “down low” among black men.

Also witness the hugely homophobic reaction of a former black NBA player like Tim Hardaway.

So, sorry to those who think this isn’t a big deal, including those who have told me that —

You’re wrong. Sadly.

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