
February 16, 2007

Gay-bashing not enough for Warren Chisum

Now, it’s evolution as a product of Kabbalah and Pharaisees

Chism, one of the biggest rectal irritants in the Texas Legislature, used House operations to recycle bilge from a Georgia state representative, Ben Bridges, which said:
Indisputable evidence – long hidden but now available to everyone – demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big Bang, 15-billion-year, alternate 'creation scenario' of the Pharisee Religion.

Bridges also had a link to a website describing Albert Einstein and Carl Sagan as “Kabbalists.”

Chism next “spun” what he had did as nothing but a “courtesy” to Bridges.

We know that he lies on any red-meat social issue before the Lege. What’s different this time?

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