
December 30, 2006

Hussein’s death a milestone to nothing

Yes, the former leader of Iraq wantonly and deliberately killed hundreds of thousands of his own people in various ways. But, our military actions have killed even more Iraqi civilians, and are NOT a “milestone to democracy” any more than is Hussein’s death, contrary to proclamations of our own Beloved Leader, President Bush, who is still deliberately looking for the pony under an ever-shrinking Christmas tree.

Hussein’s death is only a milestone to the next milestone: The 3,000th U.S. military death in Iraq, which will itself probably occur before the end of the year.

Beyond that, Iraq is about as close to “democracy” as the U.S. is to electing a Green Party president. Whether Bush is more lying, more self-delusional or more ignorant, I’m still not sure, but I know he’s some combination of all three.

Shrub, you got your trophy head on the wall (or in the noose). Of course, evidence says that Kuwait made up much of the details, if not the entire situation, of the alleged assassination attempt on your dad in 1993. And, since Kuwait made up the 1990 stories about Kuwaiti babies being snatched from hospital incubators, with the help of Edelman PR, that fact should surprise nobody.

In any case, Mr. President, you bagged your trophy, but revenge, whether served hot or cold, often gives the server himself indigestion. (Of course, recognizing that fact requires some degree of self-awareness.)

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