
October 04, 2006

A local take on the Lancaster school bond election, from a semi-regular reader

Get a local resident’s take on why you should be voting “no” on the Lancaster School District’s $215 million bond issue by
taking a look at his blog.

I’ll be writing something editorially at my newspaper before the end of the month. Meanwhile, our website has a poll up about the bond issue, down in the lower left corner. We’ll have it up until the start of early voting.

Update, Oct. 14:
Unfortuantely, Mr. Melcher does not do his side any favors by running wildly inaccurate comments to him without any follow-up comments on his part correcting them.

Here is what I wrote him:
My header says it all, and since my e-mails to you from work got bounced back last week, I hope this goes through.

First, Janette is misinformed or self-confused in a couple of ways.
A. She comments the common error of conflating CITY property taxes and SCHOOL DISTRICT property taxes. CITY property taxes have NOT increased, while the city has been on a program of adding two police officers every six months, and now doing the same for firefighters. Please straighten her out; I believe that, due to the nature of your blog, it's kind of incumbent you do that.
(SIDEBAR: Obviously, a lot of people DON'T READ A NEWSPAPER.)
B. Also, the city DID start increasing code enforcement work this summer; and Neighborhood Services in general got a couple new employees in the new budget. Plus, street repair money was upped about $200K.
(SIDEBAR: Obviously, a lot of people DON'T READ A NEWSPAPER.)
C. The special semi ramp that is being built as part of the access road work on I-20 eastbound will keep a lot of trucks OFF the I-20/HSR intersection. Plus, the city is working on a new version of its truck route ordinance, trying to do something that won't have the Danieldale Road truck cos. suing again, or will have better ammunition to fire backif they do.
(SIDEBAR: Unless this person is a newcomer -- Obviously, a lot of people DON'T READ A NEWSPAPER.)

I still haven't finished my editorial, and I have enough room to have some sort of "pox on both houses" comment as part of it.

So, for a little more "cred" on your part in the eyes of the people who DO read my newspaper, again, you might want to shoot down what people like this GET WRONG while you also address their legitimate concerns.

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