
October 24, 2006

Lancaster, as pure, pristine and true as “Father Knows Best”; who’s spinning tales now?

Margie Waldrop, in her letter to the editor this week, talks about a 1980s-90s Lancaster that sounds like — and as realistic as — one of the 1950s nuclear family TV shows.

She talks, among other things, about Lancaster School District being “a trend-setter for the state.” And that a failed late 1980s bond issue flushed that all down the drain.

From what I’ve read in Lancaster Today archives, and talked over with at least one person from back then, it was a trend-setter in how not to do things, if anything.

She also doesn’t get into racial demography issues and changes from back then. Nor, apropos a previous post of mine on how city government also got behind the times by failing to update development codes, she doesn’t talk about how a commercial real estate broker could not do more about that.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen,
    IF you were a fraction as intellenget as you would have people believe (and have yourself fooled), you would know better than to consult only one person from the "time" (and probably a disgrunteled one , at that). You could check the Dallas Morning News for published Tabs Test Results(now TAKS), they published annually on the FRONT page (McFarland, Ed. Editor) in '85,'86,'87,'88! Another AUTHORATIVE sourve is the Texas Education Agency! This is disappointing!


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