
February 06, 2005

Bush has "God within him"

And Zig Ziglar's head up his ass.

The Zigster, who qualifies as one of the country's all-time great Pollyanna snake-oil men in my book, gushes over Bush the salesman on the Social Security trail:
"You can tell he has God within him!"

Actually, if I were religiously minded, I'd think he had seven demons to be cast out.

Meanwhile, as Atrios notes, the godlike Bush is trying to sell his own brand of snake oil to a three-job single mother Mary Mornin.
As the Washington Post reports:
Mornin tells the president, "I have one child, Robbie, who is mentally challenged, and I have two daughters."
"Fantastic," the president exclaims, and he tells her she has "the hardest job in America, being a single mom."
Later, she tells Bush that she works three job. He asks her if she gets any sleep.

So, she's expected to pore over thousands of funds from hundreds of investment planners while she watches over three kids, works three jobs and tries to find time to sleep.

Hey, Zig, does the Blessed Leader have enough divine mojo for a miracle?

Note: Another blogger who did a trackback to Atrios' post said Mornin made enough money to buy take-out food for her dog.
Aside from the ridiculous materialism of America that this reflects, I don't think it neglects the main points of Atrios' post. She may well have to do multiple jobs because she's not considered employable enough for a single full-time job. In any case, three part-time jobs of, say, 25, 13 and 7 hours a week still adds up to 45 hours, plus extra commuting time going to three jobs instead of one, all of which underscore my point about how ridiculous it is to expect her to have the time to pore over hundreds of Social Security privatization investment options.

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