SocraticGadfly: Summer rain in Texas; no prayer from Rick Perry — coincidence?

July 03, 2014

Summer rain in Texas; no prayer from Rick Perry — coincidence?

Rain? In the middle of Texas? In July? In significant amounts? With no hurricane or tropical storm in the mix?

"It's a miracle," right?

But, have you noticed that Gov. Helmethair hasn't been offering up prayers for rain, or encouraging his fellow Texans to do so, any time recently, unlike his actions three years ago, which were a huge failure. So much a failure that, at the evangelical wingnut "Response" event, risk and all, he decided to double down on his stupid, which led me to compare him to the false prophets of Baal in their rain-prayer battle with Elijah.

So, Rick Perry stopped praying in public for rain, actually, what, a few months ago, and May and June were above normal?

Coincidence? I think NOT!

Wait, wait, I have it.

He's praying to beat the grand jury rap on a possible felony indictment. (Feel free to vote in the poll at right.)

Hey, Rick, if that's the case? Given your strikeout percentage, somebody else should do the praying.

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