SocraticGadfly: The Wisdom of the Grackles

June 19, 2012

The Wisdom of the Grackles


I wish the grackles of Texas
Were like the ravens of Odin,
Laden with memory and thought
To give me wise counsel every day.
They seem drawn to me recently,
As if trying to tell me something,
As irrational as that may sound.
And so I follow after them
To pay attention, watch and listen,
Inwardly wishing that this is why they’re here
As irrational as that may sound.

Atheists do rub shoulders in foxholes,
But their heads may rest little lighter
Except for those most benighted
Than their believing kin.
They, too, seek comfort, security, insight
And though they will not bow the knee
To seeming nonexistent entities
The more broad-minded amongst them,
With insight into human mental depths
Acknowledge the psychology, the call,
And do not mock, nor disdain.

I wish the grackles of Texas
Were like the ravens of Odin.
I wish my mind, my ears,
Could understand like those of Odin.

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