SocraticGadfly: More proof of economic fearmongering – by Obama himself

February 10, 2009

More proof of economic fearmongering – by Obama himself

As the AP notes, in discussing President Obama’s Indiana whistle-stop, we haven’t even hit the worst unemployment level of 1992 yet, though we may well be doing that as we speak.

The AP then gets it VERY right on the severity of the current problem vs. the Carter-Reagan recession, the last serious recession we had. And the fearmongering, starting from the Big Cheese himself:
“We also inherited the most profound economic emergency since the Great Depression.”

BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT. And Internet-screaming all caps is the only way to respond.

Folks, we are more than 3 percentage points below the 10.8 percent unemployment rate of November and December 1982.

Stop your fearmongering. Especially you bloggers, primarily the so-called mainstream liberal bloggers.

Really, if you’re under 40, especially if you’re under the age of 35, get a historical clue, or else STFU. Because you weren’t old enough to really experience what it was like then.

As I said before, I think the full-blown gen Xer, on average, if not historically clueless, may be a bit narcissistic on the degree of the current problem.

That said, President Obama is older than I am. He should know better.

I do suspect a messianic side to him. And, claiming this is the worst situation since the Depression is a way to claim to be the Great Deliverer.

That said, I’ll call bullshit on that, too.

If he really believed his own rhetoric, he’d have pushed for a bigger, far bigger, far broader, economic program from the start, and he’d do something real with ARP 2.0, not Tim Geithner’s ass-kissing big banks.

So, we have more than economic fearmongering; rather, we have economic lying.

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