SocraticGadfly: Believe Obama Admin or lying Gitmo prisoner injuries?

February 23, 2009

Believe Obama Admin or lying Gitmo prisoner injuries?

Last week, the Obama Administration’s Pentagon claimed Guantanamo met all Geneva standards.

The injuries of Binyam Mohamed, beaten up to the day of his release to Britain – the day AFTER the What-a-gon’s claims – say otherwise.

I emphasize the Obama Administration’s Pentagon, as B.O. could put an end to these bullshit lies.

Hat tip to Greenwald, for also reporting Obama staff is already lining up sycophants in the media on this and similar issues.

MUCH more on that point from David Johnston. A WH press office staffer saying – not asking – he’s going off the record? And, on the first phone call? And, over just being asked to spell his name and give his job title?

Are you surprised? Or, are you ready for more protesting-too-much Obamiac outrage?

I already am getting more and more confirmation for another Green presidential vote in 2012, or Socialist, if I have that option.

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