SocraticGadfly: Kos oversells himself — the revolution can be blogged without you

September 05, 2008

Kos oversells himself — the revolution can be blogged without you

Claims Jim Webb is “95 percent progressive”

Shock me, I say, shock me, that Kos, aka Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, would oversell his part in developing a modern, focused, aggressive, Internet-savvy movement liberalism.

This is the man who once famously, or fatuously, talked about all the closet liberals in the CIA.

He gets close to that level of inanity in this interview with comments like this:
With Jim Webb, obviously, we have 90 to 95 percent of what progressives want in a Democrat in the Senate, as opposed to George Allen who would have been 0 percent. So it is incremental change. And there is nobody in the Senate more populist on economic issues than Jim Webb.

Really? Jim Webb, not just on FISA, but on many other non-economic issues, is far less than 95 percent progressive.

And, as for the last-sentence claim? I think many bloggers and pundits would immediately proffer Ohio’s Sherrod Brown as trumping Webb. Others might also come to mind, but Brown came to my thought 5 seconds after reading Kos’ comment.

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