SocraticGadfly: Obama threatens to go Kumbaya on offshore oil

August 02, 2008

Obama threatens to go Kumbaya on offshore oil

Well, it’s been a month since the FISA collapse, so I guess maybe it’s about time for him to go soft on something else. But, he should know better than to believe he can negotiate with Repubs and Big Oil on an issue like this.

Now that he’s compromised, they’re going to smell blood in the water.

It would be another thing if he had talked about making a real compromise after getting elected.

But, you never surrender your positions in advance on issues like this.

That said, the compromise he supports, per the story, could be OK. It’s not great.

It does repeal Big Oil tax breaks, but from what I read, there’s nothing in the compromise specifically redirecting that windfall to renewable energy tax breaks.

And, if Obama wants to show more leadership, he can try to “steer” that compromise, too.

It’s called “projection.”

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