SocraticGadfly: BP chief reads from Cheney script

June 12, 2008

BP chief reads from Cheney script

BP CEO Tony Hayward said the world has 40 years of oil, IF — those damned enviros will just let us drill wherever we want.

Well, yes, we have a near-inexhaustible supply of nuclear energy, too, if we just don’t worry about nuclear wastes.

But, even that’s being too kind to Hayward. He, like Cheney, knows the truth about places like ANWR. He also knows that he’s not prepared to make an advance payment as a lien or collateral against future environmental damage to drill in places like Florida’s Gulf Coast, where damned enviros like former Gov. Jeb Bush and current one Charlie Crist are strongly opposed.

But, it sounds more like a plea for OPEC members to give private oil companies like BP more access to fields.

Ain’t gonna happen, and certainly not on BP’s terms.

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